No Claim Bonus

Everyone who creates a ValidNode will be given a 1% ROI per day. By not claiming your rewards, you will be given a bonus on your reward rate for the next day. Compounding does not count as claiming and will still allow you to maintain these boosted rates.

The Bonuses are shown below:

After 0 days of not claiming daily ROI = 1.00%

After 3 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.02%

After 5 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.04%

After 7 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.06%

After 10 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.08%

After 14 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.10%

After 21 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.15%

After 35 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.25%

After 55 days of not claiming, daily ROI = 1.35%

Last updated